Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

IMG_4770_Above Arcata on Hwy 299

Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)

a room with a view

Redwood impressions

Moonstone I

A roof with a view

Green Deluxe I

Carson Mansion, Eureka CA

Point the Way

Lone Surfer

The View at the Vista Point

Red Deluxe II

Black Vintage I

the view...

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Green Deluxe III

Arcata Plaza

Around Campus

Red Deluxe IV

Lunchtime, sitting in my car. The view in front of me vs. the view behind me. #lookingforward #lookingbackwards

Humboldt Blues: Houda Point, California

Powers Creek

Paddlebaording into the sunset

Lufenholtz Beach near Trinidad, Humboldt County, October 2010

Powers Creek Falls

Powers Creek Falls

Sunset on Gearheart Marsh

Sand, Rock and Light - Luffenholtz Beach, Little River State Park, Trinidad, Humboldt County, California

Our earth - where ocean, land, and sky meet

Mad River Beach sunset

Luffenholtz Beach

Mill Creek Falls

Our earth - where ocean, land, and sky meet

Home Is Where Your Heart & Spirit Infinitely Rest

Calm Without the Storm

The Frequency of Love

Reflecting On the Times...

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 178): Burning Desire of a Lost Love Affair (in Technicolor) - Explored

Barn Swallows Mother & Fledgling

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Redwoods and Ferns