Eureka, California

Redwood impressions

Tree Warp

Carson Mansion, Eureka CA

Morning mist

photo - Carson Mansion, Eureka

Founders sunset

Carson Mansion

IMG_4770_Above Arcata on Hwy 299

Forest view

Bouncing Friendly Gnome into the Water

Carson Mansion

Community view

Campus view

Woodley Island Marina

Eureka, California

Eureka, California

Eureka, California

Eureka, California

Sketchbook 88

Black-headed Grosbeak (F) Fledgling 4509

Clam Beach, California

Clam Beach, California

Clam Beach, California

All That You Can't Leave Behind

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 203): Tears of Joy (In Technicolor)

Row of Wild Anise 7008

Barn Swallows Mother & Fledgling

Mill Creek Falls

Powers Creek Falls

Simmer One's Day Away

Among giants

Morning mist

Ocean Blues

Boats at the Port of Humboldt Bay

Powers Creek

Freshwater Slough 6129

Mill Creek

river spirit

Stillness In Reality