Down the River

The View

Tumbling Ice

Go With The Flow

Peaceful River

Home Away From Home

Feather Falls_1

Truck 64

Evening Light

Alive She Cried

Frey Creek Falls_3

Frey Creek_2

Feather Falls

Feather Falls

Day 611 [2/20/15]: Evaporation

view up rope while on rappel

Frey Creek_1

Feather River Canyon

Feather Falls-1

Frey Creek Falls_2

20060702 Viewing Platform

Oregon Creek Cascades

Fiddle Creek Falls


Melody descending the final falls of Upper Log Ride


another waterfall - Upper Log Ride

Winter Grazing




Heather on her way down

Curly on her way in as Scott and Jade watch

Lower Log Ride waterfall

Scott in some water scrambling

Upper Frey Creek Falls

Dry Creek Falls