Feather Falls

Feather Falls

20060702 Viewing Platform

Home Away From Home

Truck 64

The View

Feather Falls_1

Alive She Cried

Frey Creek Falls_1

Frey Creek Falls_3

Day 611 [2/20/15]: Evaporation

Frey Creek_2

view up rope while on rappel

Frey Creek_1

Tumbling Ice

Feather Falls-1

Feather River Canyon

Frey Creek Falls_2

Feather Falls Viewing Area

Feather Falls-9


Lower Log Ride waterfall

Feather Falls Hike 05.JPG

invisible ocean 2010 621

Feather Falls Hike 02.JPG

Feather Falls

Melody descending the final falls of Upper Log Ride


another waterfall - Upper Log Ride

Winter Grazing

the braided falls - upper log ride


Indian Valley Trail HDR Photojojo Fisheye

Jill on rappel (I think) - Lower Log Ride

Feather Falls-3

Feather Falls-4