India - Villages of Lolab valley, Kashmir

Rolling fields of Lolab valley, Kashmir, India

Satburn in Lolab valley, Kashmir, India

India - Rolling fields of Lolab valley, Kashmir

#instagood #selfie #morning #kashmir #kupwara #ami #amjiddader#facebook #sun #photo #iphone6 #halmet #

#ibrar #ready to #jump Why is #everyday #offDay in #kashmir #Tarathpora #BVCC #andCafe #amigr8

#quran no #jadoo if you will #read this #everyday #gr8aaliya said #jaado #jadoo karnay waly par laanat . Wa akhir dua na Alhamdulliha he rabil aali meen #kupwara #hafthrada

Woooh they #fasting she said #wAllah aaz che cun #roz #school #kashmiri #girl #ramadhan #roza #timepass

India - Women from Kupwara, Lolab Valley, Kashmir

Traders in Kupwara listening intently to a person trying to reason with them against the strike during the unprecedented unrest after terrorist Burhan Wani's death. . . . . . #kashmir #kashmirdiaries #kupwara #kashmirvalley #kashmirunrest #kashmirphotogra

#lol #wtf #driving #drift #drifting #madness #thankGod #survived #instalike #instadrift #carDraft #hyundai #sports #cute #drift #hafthrda #bela #camCoder #instaCam my cars #dashCam #shooted #cute video #

A very silent, silly , hungry, helpless evening. Wanna fly like a parrot Tried to make a flying bird with figure, noOne would love this but i loved this pic more then the Perfect one ... #picSpeaks #kupwara #hafthrada #Ramdhan #ramzan #kashmir

Cherry #wow #roza #roza #rozay InshAllah ifaar with #yummy #delicious #

Getting ready to start a new batch for newbies at our BVCC center #TARATHPORA #kupwara Everyone is requested and Mostly appreciated to join our Free programme . By amjiddader #freeGifts #amigo #amigifts #amjiddader #bvccin #FREE #FREE #FREE We are

A kiss beyond girlfriend , boyfriend is also Love , my cute calf kisses me twice i slapped him , then he kissed me on LIPS like a Girlfriend , I said sorry and love as he deserves after all he is Animal he cant be selfish politically involved religous

Drawing #arsalaan #ags #shaloora #kupwara #homework #drawing #designing #waxCrayons #kbt #fun with #colour #amigr8 #hafthrada #

Warning ! Its not to showOff or for publicity its just love and a Hope that someday somewill donate blood because of me . #kupwara #hospital #DistrictHospitalKupwara #Donte Blood In my Kupwara Hospital There is nothing like Hospital only Doctors noth

#instagood #goodMorning #sunday #bachas #are playing #siza #saaz

#eir #kandur #instagood #kashmir #ami #haftharaf

A Year Ago In #Handwara #Kashmir Children Pose For A Photograph In A Very Jubilant Mood. #Dawnweeklyproject #Dawndotcom #etribune #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #reportagespotlight #islamic_republic_of_pakistan #one_shot_ #lonelypl

#amjiddader #home #hafthrada ##dinner