A View Of Sringar-Leh Highway at #Gumri. This Highway In #Kashmir That Connects Valley To #Ladakh Region. #StoriesOfPakistan #MyPixelDiary #PicturePakistan #Landscape #dawndotcom #ShutterPak #ig_pakistan #india_gram #natgeotravellerindia #reportagespotl

Sonamarg trek

A Country Called #Pakistan And A Place Called Home #KashmirIsPakistan. A Small #waterfall in Occupied Kashmir's #Bandipore district. #HimalayanRiver #Aragam #Ara #IExplorePakistan #IExploreKashmir #photooftheday #photosociety #etribune #dawndotcom #TPST

Long Walk

From The Depths Of #Wular #Aisa's Second Largest Fresh Water Lake #Trekking Trail Overlooking Wular Lake In #Bandipore Enroute Mount #Harmukh One Of Highest Mountain Peaks In #Kashmir. #MtHarmukh #wularlake #Pakistan #KashmirIsPakistan #BeautifulPakistan

Mustard fields in Bandipore Kashmir. #DawnWeeklyProject #dawndotcom #VillageLife #AJEInPictures #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #reportagespotlight #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #indiaphotoproject #


International Day for Biological Diversity celebration in Delina Village, District Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir

International Day for Biological Diversity celebration in Delina Village, District Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir

International Day for Biological Diversity celebration in Delina Village, District Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir

Life At Crossroads #Kashmir #dawndotcom #CaptivatingKashmir #dawnweeklyproject #AJEInPictures #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #gettyreportage #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #indiaphotoprojet #kpc #

From The Depths Of Wular To The Hieghts Of Harmukh #dawndotcom #CaptivatingKashmir #dawnweeklyproject #AJEInPictures #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #gettyreportage #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #i

First #snowfall in #Kashmir

Qazim The Mountain Boy #Kashmir #DawnWeeklyProject #dawndotcom #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #reportagespotlight #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #Indiaphotoproject #indiapictures #etribune #_soi #v

Shakir 13, Jumps off A Wall in Bandipore Kashmir. #DawnWeeklyProject #dawndotcom #VillageLife #AJEInPictures #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #reportagespotlight #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #indiap

Bandipore Kashmir. #DawnWeeklyProject #dawndotcom #VillageLife #AJEInPictures #Wanderlust #IExploreKashmir #india_gram #travelbeautifulpakistan #reportagespotlight #lonelyplanetindia #kashmirpp #Shutterpak #washpost #indiaphotoproject #indiapictures #etr

Fishermen Wait In Their Boat On A Foggy Morning In River Jehlum Near Sopore In Occupied Kashmir. #OneDayKashmirWillBeFreeAndJehlumWillConnectUsWithPakistan #KashmirIsPakistan #Sopore #RiverJehlum #reportagespotlight #IExplorePakistan #IExploreKashmir #ph

Cricket Bat - Work in Progress

#Television #pointofview #nishajamvwal #news #primetime

Al Quds day in Sumbal Inderkote July 25_2014

Mohammad Yousuf Mir at Phelgam

Mohammad Yousuf Mir

10th Muharram 1435/2013 sumbal Inderkote