
Building Typology:Load Bearing Stone and Mud Mortar Masonry; Location: Diktel Rupakot Majuwagadi Rural Municipality-03, Khotang Nepal

Building Typology: Load Bearing Stone and Mud Mortar Masonry; Location: Halesi Tuwachung Rural Municipality-07, Khotang Nepal

Building Typology: Load Bearing Stone and Mud Mortar Masonry; Location: Halesi Tuwachung Rural Municipality-07; Khotang Nepal

Building Typology:Load Bearing Brick and Cement Mortar Masonry; Location: Halesi Tuwachung, Khotang Nepal

Building Typology: Load Bearing Brick and Cement Mortar Masonry; Location: Halesi Tuwachung,-07, Khotang Nepal

Building Typology: Load Bearing Stone and Mud Mortar Masonry; Location:Halesi Tuwachung Rural Municipality-07, Khotang Nepal

Building Typology: Load Bearing Stone and Mud Mortar Masonry; Location: Rawabesi Rural Municiaplity-01, Khotang Nepal

Ward No. 7, Halesi Tuwachung Municipality, Khotang

Ward No. 7, Halesi Tuwachung Municipality, Khotang

endlich Start

Straße zum Flughafen

warten auf den Weiterflug

bald geht es weiter

leckere Suppe

Gebäude am Flughafen

Landebahn Lamidanda


Landebahn Lamidanda

Landebahn Lamidanda

kurz vor Lukla gestrandet

Landebahn Lamidanda