Stoney Creek Bridge

The Devil's Fork III

Spring in the Mountains

Salyers House

Hotel Norton 2

Hotel Norton 3

Hotel Norton 6

Bear Rock Overlook

Kilgore Fort House

A Look Across Powell Valley

The Devil's Fork IV

A View From Above

: : My Virginia : : Powell Valley

US 23 at Benge's Gap

Blanketed in the Fog

Hotel Norton 7

Hotel Norton 1

Hotel Norton 4

The Door's Open - Come On In

Hotel Norton 5

: : My Virginia : : Sycamores By the River

Turn Off the Paved Road

CRR 800 in Motion

Upper Little Stony Falls

Coming 'Round the Mountain

Little Stoney Falls

Devils Bathtub

Little Stoney Falls

Green Pastures

Clinchfield Country

02839c Little Stoney Falls

Little Stoney Creek Falls 1001

Drive in movie theater

Little Stoney Falls

Little Stone Creek Falls 1004

Devils Bathtub