Lake Audy Leaner

Lake Audy Dock

Jackfish Creek (cnp1009-01-030)

Riding Mountain National Park ~Explore 5 Jul 2014

Riding Mountain National Park, Wasagaming (340296)

Riding Mountain National Park, Wasagaming (340312)

Bison herd

Lake Audy in Riding Mountain National Park at sunset

Lake Audy in Riding Mountain National Park at sunset

Lake Audy Beach

Lake Audy Public Toilet

Happy Lady

Old Picnic Shelter

Sitting Swallow

Misty bison

The Homestead

House On Hill

Frosted Trees

The TV House

The Wood Stove House

Close to Home

Morning fog in Riding Mountain National Park

Bison rubbing my fender

Lake Audy

Riding Mountain National Park, Wasagaming, Clear Lake (340309)