Climbing the grade from the Red River across Adams Street - Adams, Tennessee

Definite Tussock Moth caterpillar - Port Royal State Park, Montgomery County, Tennessee

Southbound ethanol approaching Bagby Road

Through Sadlersville...


Think of these the next time you turn on a light...

CSX Henderson Subdivision - Adams, Robertson County, Tennessee

Port Royal State Park - Montgomery County, Tennessee

Port Royal sunset... Montgomery County, Tennessee


Watch For Deer With Really Long Schlongs

Gold on the Red

Last rays before the storm

Field depth...

Muggy McGregor Road sunset...

Arms Road sunset...

Golden light on golden fields...

Winter wheat...

More McGregor Road Gold...

Elk Fork mist-ery

Southbound ethanol approaching Bagby Road

Minnie Falls

Northbound Bethgons...

Minnie Falls

Gate open for another crop...

Knee deep wheat...

Camera Roll-164

Part One 2012...

CSX S645, Trenton,KY 6/16/2014

Camera Roll-163