View across the lake

Big bush || #zoepup #dome #bush...

Geese on the sandbar, Meadow Lake

Cunila origanoides (dittany)

Pluchea camphorata (camphorweed)

#34 Call of Nature

Erechtites hieracifolia (American burnweed) and grass


Paragould, Arkansas

Arnold's Jewelry, Paragould

Wall of Hope, Terry's Cafe building, Paragould

Old Greene County courthouse, Paragould

Driftwood and Meadow Lake

Sunrise on the lake

Sunrise and mist on the lake looking west

Sunrise and mist on the lake looking west

Sunrise and mist on the lake with a (not real visible) great blue heron

Late afternoon on the fishing pier

Geese on take off, Meadow Lake

Late afternoon geese departure

Geese departure in late afternoon

Eastern Amberwing dragonfly (Perithemis tenera)

Grass seedheads

Liquidambar spp. (sweetgum) leaves

Elephantopus carolinianus (Carolina elephant's foot)