OHCR 8530 Route 151 Jewett ECD 8/14/17

Ohio ~ Smithfield

In Ohio at rr trax in sun and shade were melted and unmelted snow.

Ohio Central 1293 Cab Ride: 1

Airport Motel Receipt

Up here in eastern Ohio in the winter, seeing the "Columbus and Ohio River Railroad," formerly the "Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad," a/k/a the "Pan Handle Route."

99 Bottles of Beer

Boots on the ground

Tea for two

Dutch uncle

Great White

Throw in the towel

Liquid Crystal

Keeping up with the Jones'

Final frontier

Hot Chocolate

Rear ended

The grassy knoll

Animal Crackers

The season of my discontent

Pralines and cream

A la carte

Loud speaker

Thunderforce 3

There's no way out

Sack lunch

With a wink and a nod