A look around

Black MR2

Airport Motel Receipt

Blazing Horizon

Making Ozone

Groundhog Day Eve

pseudo forest fire

Valley Overlook

Nice Day

Vampyre Jack

October Day

hdr12 4

Nickel Plate Road engine

Pink Contrail

Green Green Grass


All Hallows Eve

thunderstorm panorama

On Tap

Bleak View

Old Bridge

Fireball over Ohio

OHCR 8565 Jewett Scio Route 151 Hillside Ballast Train 12/3/14

Distant Storm

The puck stops here

Blizzard Approaching

W&LE 3102 Route 151 Overpass Jewett Scio 632 11/16/14

Invisible Cows

Spring Hills Golf Course

Down the Line

April in Ohio

W&LE 644 New Rumley Road Jewett 6383

Under the dome

St. Patrick's Day Morning