Drumright, OK.

Cimarron River

Cushing Canal

Cimarron River (Payne County, Oklahoma)

Near Yale, Oklahoma

Junior Bull Riders Association, March 2013

Junior Bull Riders Association, March 2013

High Contrast

Dunkin Theatre

Hurry Back!

Time has taken its toll

Gravel road near Cushing Oklahoma

Two Kinds of Parking

Junior Bull Riders Association, March 2013

Junior Bull Riders Association, March 2013

Junior Bull Riders Association, March 2013

Post Office 74062 (Ripley, Oklahoma)

okla 117

The Running of the Buffalo Herd

2018-06-24 19.35.00

2018-06-24 19.36.00

2018-06-24 19.37.39

2018-06-24 19.36.02

2018-06-24 19.37.47

2018-06-24 19.38.04