Western Tanager

The Teapot Dome Gas Station

Snow Goose

"Minima" Cackling Goose

House Wren

Yakima - 2

Two Least Sandpipers

Four Greater Yellowlegs and a Killdeer for size comparison

Least Sandpiper and Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Least Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

20040625_8105...GOLF PIZZA DINO PUTT EXIT-58

Greater Yellowlegs, Dunlin, and Wilson's Snipe

Greater Yellowlegs, Dunlin, and Wilson's Snipe

"Lutescens" Orange-crowned Warbler

Toppenish Ridge

Pohto at Sunrise

Planet :b

Toppenish Ridge

Toppenish Ridge

Yakima Valley Split Screen

A Granger sunset

Many-Layered Dinosaur

All it takes is one to run

Trying to hide in the dust

Yakima Valley wine country

Sunrise in the Country

One of a kind

CBRW 2184 West

Double Swan

Pond reflections


When two stallions meet!

Hole in the ice

Yakima River

Wine Tasting Trip 2008 504