Shaw Nature Reserve Wetlands at Dawn - No. 2

American Goldfinch at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 2

Female Orchard Oriole at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 2

Brown Thrasher at Shaw Nature Reserve

Swift Fox - No. 3

Swift Fox - No. 4

Swift Fox - No. 1

The old Beacon Court's neon, on Route 66 at Pacific, Missouri

Leave Out All The Rest

Pinetum Lake Infrared

Passenger Side View, Highway 44

Four Photo Series: Eastern Bluebird with Snack at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 4

The Frosty Missouri

Four Photo Series: Eastern Bluebird with Snack at Shaw Nature Reserve - No. 1

Around the Bend

Voice of the Garden

Give & Take

Shaw Nature Reserve - Red-Shouldered Hawk in a Tree

The Roaring 30's Part 4

Indigo Bunting at Shaw Nature Reserve - No 1

Shaw Nature Reserve - Blue Jay

Golden Sod

Klondike Park 029

Symphony of Color


Autumn Prairie

Worth It

Miles From Nowhere?

Klondike Park 027

Fountain of Life

Reflections at sunrise



Forest Staley Park

Beautiful day for a hike!


Sunrise reflections

Sunny Side of Life

La_Barque 2


"He said that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men can be understood at all was probably an illusion." - C.M.

Old Soul