Majestic Mount Hood at Sunset

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion…

To paint is a possessing rather than a picturing…

It always seems impossible until it's done…

We grow small trying to be great…

Milky Way arching over Mount Hood

Summit Mt Hood in February

View from the Mount Hood Mirror Lake Trail in Oregon

Little Zig Zag Falls

Frozen Mirror Lake, Oregon

Mirror Lake

taking in the view

Lake viewing. Myself - photo by sister @katherineruss

Mirror Lake Hike

looming in the distance

Winter on the Mountain

A Rhody View

Ridge After Ridge

Old Salmon River Trail

Salmon River, Study 2009-2

Another View of mt hood

St. Helens sunrise from above

Last Light

The Enchanted Ramona

Magnificent Mount Hood - Explored #24

Down Five Percent

Mt. Hood Sunset Glow

Landscape Photography, Salmon River (Clackamas County, Oregon)

Trillium Falls

Tom Dick & Harry Mountain

Return to Salmon River

Mount Hood...Up Close!

Landscape Photography, Salmon River (Clackamas County, Oregon)