Winter on the Mountain

It always seems impossible until it's done…

Mount Hood...Up Close!

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion…

We grow small trying to be great…

Harlowe and the Great North Woods

Spider Web Bowl

Salmon River, Study 2009-2

Return to Salmon River

Salmon River, Study 2009-1

Old Salmon River Trail

Softly Over the Foothills

A Rhody View

Ridge After Ridge

Our lovely mountain

Little Gorge Falls

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Window Views-PDX-MSY Family Trip 2-2017 (6)

View from the Burnt Lake Trail

Another View of mt hood

Ramona Creek, 2009 Study #3

The Enchanted Ramona

Embracing obstacles

St. Helens sunrise from above

Guess Where

Zigzag River

Sandy river, Mount Hood, Oregon 2

Zigzag Creek, Take Two

Trillium Falls

Mt. Hood Sunset Glow

Summit Mt Hood in February

Down Five Percent

Snowy Peak

Cast Lake

Little Zigzag Falls

Mt. Hood from Lolo Pass Road in the morning

Lost Creek

Mt. Hood and Bull Run Lake