Salmon River, Study 2009-2

looming in the distance

Return to Salmon River

Trillium Falls

Summit Mt Hood in February

Salmon River, Study 2009-1

Old Salmon River Trail

Softly Over the Foothills

A Rhody View

Ridge After Ridge

Our lovely mountain

Little Gorge Falls

Mount Hood...Up Close!

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion…

orbWorld [50\|/50]

Cast Creek

We grow small trying to be great…

View from the Burnt Lake Trail

Afternoon view

Another View of mt hood

Amazing view of Mt. Hood! #mthood #oregon #view #amazing #mountain from #Skibowl

The Enchanted Ramona

Ramona Falls

Embracing obstacles

St. Helens sunrise from above

Winter on the Mountain

Mt. Hood Sunset Glow

Places more enjoyable...

oregon's mushrooms #3


Down Five Percent

Snowy Peak

Cast Lake


Little Zigzag Falls

Mt. Hood from Lolo Pass Road in the morning

It always seems impossible until it's done…

Lost Creek