Alien Landscape [Explore - Front Page]

Yellow Water Lily

Denver City Park Autumn 3rd visit

Denver, Colorado

Japanese Garden, Denver, CO

Arctic Fox

Sculpture Wide View

Snow capped Mount Evans Panorama

Easy Denver Saturday Morning

fred, james, and howard

hush sweet charlotte

I got my mojo back

Lenticular clouds after sunset

The Grand Facade

Color It In

Views from DMNS 12-15-07 007p

A view from the back

"Hummingbird" Moth (back view)

Gear Down

Take off

Moon With Pink Sunset Clouds

Mile High Sunflowers

Trees, Sunrise

{ Chihuly | Red Reeds | Denver Botanical Gardens }

Lake Mary [Explore]


fiery sunflowerset

Shhh . . . Peaceful [Explore]

A Sunny Afternoon

Afternoon Thunderstorm - Before and After

Sunset Over Rockies - Explored

First Light

Warmth & Depth

Allium Opening

Sunset Reflection

Sunrise Panaorama

2014-07-12 09.11.58

Rays over amber waves of grain.

Quad strike

Early Morning at Denver City Park

Quiet reflections