Alien Landscape [Explore - Front Page]

fred, james, and howard

Geese, full moon and downtown Denver

place to view

Yellow Water Lily

Curious Cat

Denver City Park Autumn 3rd visit

Denver, Colorado

View from our balcony

A view from the back

at the d.p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [754]

DSC_5537 - a creek

Arctic Fox

Sculpture Wide View

Denver Stapleton International Airport (circa September 1992)

"The Light Under the Stairs"

Queen Helena Of The Faucets

Sunset over Denver

2.5 Hour Flight Delay

Extreme Light: Denver, Colorado

City Park, Denver

Mile High Sunflowers

20170615_F0001: Away from civilisation

Mmmmm. . . Chives

Another Prairie Sunrise

Trees, Sunrise

{ Chihuly | Red Reeds | Denver Botanical Gardens }

A Clash of Seasons

Missing Light

20170619_F0001: Evening sunlight over the Rockies

sometimes it's hard to stand out

20170618_F0001: A lake in the mountains


20170617_F0001: Rivers and lakes

Lake Mary [Explore]

fiery sunflowerset

heading to the lake

A Sunny Afternoon

Morning's First Look

Shhh . . . Peaceful [Explore]

Warmth & Depth