Sierra #3 engine

Best When Unexpected

Day 271: Knight's Ferry

Panoramic: Knights Ferry

Sierra Railway Roundhouse (Panorama)

Panoramic: Knights Ferry

Lake Tulloch Bridge panorama_Copperopolis and Jamestown, California

Action & Drama

Late sunset at Knights Ferry

Lake Views

If only in b&w

Covered bridge interior

Lake Views

Trip to Yosemite 015

Sierra Railroad Map of the Mother Lode Region of California

Lake Views

Trip to Yosemite 019

Lake Views

Another Vista View from the Overlook Loop

Tuolumne County

Lake Views

Sierra Northern Along Highway 108

Secret Pleasures

And Then Came The Wind - Highway 49 Bridge Across New Melones Reservoir - Sierra Nevada Mountains, California

Knights Ferry Bridge and Stanislaus River


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Melones Lake

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Windmill and Oak Tree, Keystone, CA

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Rock Outcropping

Stanislaus River -Covered Bridge in Fog

Gold Wall 201

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Stanislaus River

Southwestern Landscape

Gold Wall 215