Yeager Rock, WA

Yeager Rock and Road, WA

Glacial erratics, Douglas County, WA

Glacial erratics, Douglas County, WA

Bustling Withrow

Dirt piles on the abandoned Mansfield Branch

Mansfield Branch: looking east across a stream gully

01192012 071 Another View from Withrow

01192012 069 View from Withrow

Withrow, Washington (and the Withrow Moraine in the background)

Our little cabin! People always say, "But the windows are tiny!" To which we respond, "If you want a view, walk out the door, silly!"

06.08 - Yeager Rock, near Mansfield, WA

Lonely Road - N Division RD, Douglas County, WA (May 2013)

Rust and Wheat

Exploring the bluffs. Scared away a handful of deer, scouting for good lookouts while traipsing through the sage and grasses.

Line of glacier erratics in Douglas County, WA

Abandoned Farm - Withrow, WA (May 2013)

Grain Elevator, N Division Rd, Douglas County, Washington, May 2013

still truckin along

Almost there! #solstice #nofilter

01192012 067a Eurasian Collared Doves

Jameson Lake

Mansfield Branch: discarded ties on the embankment

Columbia Plateau

Mansfield Branch: looking west across the stream gully

Touhey, Washington