Bustling Withrow

Brewer's Sparrow

Yeager Rock, WA

Yeager Rock and Road, WA

Dirt piles on the abandoned Mansfield Branch

Mansfield Branch: looking east across a stream gully

01192012 071 Another View from Withrow

01192012 069 View from Withrow

Withrow, Washington (and the Withrow Moraine in the background)

Loggerhead Shrike-Moses Coulee, WA-3-14-2013

Lonely Road - N Division RD, Douglas County, WA (May 2013)

Rust and Wheat

06.08 - Yeager Rock, near Mansfield, WA

Abandoned Farm - Withrow, WA (May 2013)

Grain Elevator, N Division Rd, Douglas County, Washington, May 2013

still truckin along

01192012 067a Eurasian Collared Doves

Jameson Lake

Mansfield Branch: discarded ties on the embankment

Columbia Plateau

Mansfield Branch: looking west across the stream gully

Touhey, Washington

20150727 70D Yellowstone Glacier 144-2