Country View

Doniphan County Courthouse (Troy, Kansas)

Doniphan County Courthouse (Troy, Kansas)

Pony Express Silhouette Art

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, County Courthouse, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Post Office, 66087, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Troy Kansas, Doniphan County KS

Memorial to the Pony Express

Abraham Lincoln was Here

Nelson Rogers House Historical Sign

The Nelson Rogers House

Walter C. Worman & George Larson Memorial

Statue of Liberty

Boy Scouts Plaque

Courthouse Gazebo

Memorial to Melvin J. Schmidt, J.D.