Snow Geese Snowstorm, Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Country View

Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Loess Hills

Squaw Creek

Three States

Panorama of geese

Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Forest City, Missouri City Hall

#Soundtracking #Cher Tonight you're gonna go down in flames; just like #JesseJames

Davis Creek

Forest City, Missouri City Hall

Post Office 64451 (Forest City, Missouri)


Pearl Jam Lincoln 2014

Still trying not to look back. This Missouri sunset is making it hard.

The sun sets on Day 3 in Missouri

We Love Grandpa!!!!

Never sugat coat the Word of God, its dangerous to do so; give it the way it's being downloaded...in accuracy. #Truth #notdoctored

Rainbo is Good Bread

Sparks Hotel

Howdy from the 'Show Me' state!

Snow Geese

Going south

Squaw Creek