Tulipa sylvestris subsp. sylvestris - immature flwr Beatrixln, Kaag, NL 18 Apr. 2010 09 Leo

Image taken from page 849 of 'Nouvelle Géographie universelle. La Terre et les hommes ... Cartes et ... gravures sur bois'

Linh Dinh tours Nazi Maiden Kiev another US of Israel toilet flushed by Victoria Nuland -Hillary's taxpaid Hebrew Bomber Shiksa from Israel (Kagan Bomber Family Israel terrorist pedigree)

Imagine the terrified US of Israel Terrorist Empire without Vladimir Putin to smear. Of course CIA-Mossad will invent endless boogeymen plus their ISIS & Al Qaeda & scarier Putins as pretexts for USI further robbing Earth at gunpoint -PNAC Mission.

Vuhlehors'koi HRES reservoir, / Gol'movskiy Ukraine, Europe

The Planes contrail shadow / Europe / Donetsk,Oblast / Ukraine

Statue of Leonid Bykov, Kiev

Sunrise on Azov sea


Sunrise on Azov sea

Saint Hills Laurel

Sunrise on Azov sea

Затишье перед бурей

Багровый закат в степи


Хорошая осенняя погода сегодня

Saint Hills monastery

Junk Yard Landscape

Sunrise on Azov sea

Церковь в Красном Лимане

Moss closeup Мох крупним планом

-18 C

Mariupol, Ukraine

7:33 AM Ранок 7:33

Закат на Белосарайской косе

белосарайская коса

