frozen district

Donetsk city

View of the terminal of Donetsk's International Airport

3D GeoSEIS Tomography volumetric model for gas-bearing formation

Donbass Palace and Pushinskiy

view from my window

DonbassArena view #Donbassarena #Donetsk #Ukraine

Вид. View.

Вид с дамбы. View from a dum.

the Kalmius river

Shaktar Stadium view Est

Wolkonsky's view on Donbass Palace #bakery #cafe #Wolkonsky #Donetsk #Donbass #DonbassPalace

first sunny day in the new year

Ducks in Kalmius river's reservoir

Park near the Donbass Arena

Central Scherbakov Park

Winter walks

Kalmius quay. Donetsk, Novorossia

Donbass Arena park

Карьер. A quarry.

Ставок. A pond.

Песчанный карьер. A sand pit.

Свято-Покровский храм

Lake in Donetsk

Авдеевский Карьер. The Avdiivka quarry.

Интересный ландшафт. An interesting landscape.

Интересный ландшафт. An interesting landscape.

Интересный ландшафт. An interesting landscape.

Интересный ландшафт. An interesting landscape.

Пруд. A pond.

Central Scherbakov Park

Central Scherbakov Park

Central Scherbakov Park