frozen district

3D GeoSEIS Tomography volumetric model for gas-bearing formation

Donetsk city

View of the terminal of Donetsk's International Airport

Donbass Palace and Pushinskiy

view from my window

DonbassArena view #Donbassarena #Donetsk #Ukraine

Вид. View.

Вид с дамбы. View from a dum.

the Kalmius river

Shaktar Stadium view Est

Wolkonsky's view on Donbass Palace #bakery #cafe #Wolkonsky #Donetsk #Donbass #DonbassPalace

first sunny day in the new year

Park near the Donbass Arena

Central Scherbakov Park

Winter walks

Ступеньки в середине леса. Steps in the middle of the forest.

Карьер. A quarry.

Ставок. A pond.

Свято-Покровский храм

Авдеевский Карьер. The Avdiivka quarry.

Kalmius quay. Donetsk, Novorossia

Donbass Arena park

Central Scherbakov Park

Central Scherbakov Park

Central Scherbakov Park

Donetsk City Ukraine

Песчанный карьер. A sand pit.


Donbass Arena, Ukraine

Closing season 2013.Закрытие сезона 2013.

Террикон. A waste bank.

Closing season 2013.Закрытие сезона 2013.