Stargazing - Little Planet

Lupines during the "golden hour"

Sedgeunkedunk Stream

Orrington Maine Audubon

Stargazing - Full Sky

Orrington Maine Audubon

Lupines during the "golden hour"

Ruby Breasted Hummingbird

Downtown Bangor, Maine

Bangor viewed from Brewer

Orrington Maine Audubon, snowy stream

Lupines during the "golden hour"

Brewer Lake Sunset (Photo Series)

Lupines during the "golden hour"

The view from Treasure Cove

Snowshoe Rabbit (Photo Series)

The Grasshopper Shop

Solidified Apple

Maine, Chickadee on snow covered berry bush


Bangor Maine Fireworks

Beautiful pobd

Some people say the sky is just the sky, but I say...


Breathtaking In Maine



#camplife #maine

2013-07-06 17.18.35

Autographic color test.

Did I already say that I love Maine? #emilyandkateltd

Lucerne Sunset

Relaxing by the pool.

Still thinking about how great this wedding was... #latergram of a beautiful couple enjoying a beautiful moment.


Peace & Tranquility.


Sugarloaf Maine

future pond site

Downstream to the right (towards downtown)