Francis Marion National Forest South Carolina

Roll on, mighty Santee

Day 1212 - Foggy Morning

A field of grits plants.

Francis Marion National Forest South Carolina

Old Tobacco Barn

Old Tobacco Barn

black and white, mostly

Into The Fog

Lake Moultrie Passage 2

Leaving St. John's Day service visitation. Enjoyed being with my brother of the craft and sisters of the star. #PHA #MWPHGLSC #District2 #Mason #OES #357

196 Brick Church Circle in Saint Stephen, South Carolina

Ice storm SC Feb. 2014 (4)

Ice storm SC Feb. 2014 (3)

Ice storm SC Feb. 2014 (2)

Ice storm SC Feb. 2014 (1)

Lane Bridge

menu board 2

order here. pick up here.

fried and wonderful

St. Stephens Church

Francis Peyre Porcher, 1824-1895

William Mazyck Porcher, 1812-1902