Morning Sunlight

2012-08-31 at 13-55-18.jpg

2012-08-31 at 13-56-01.jpg

Throw It, Already!

Old Train Depot and Train Speeding Past

Salters Railroad Depot

658 Thorntree House Img269_36

659 Thorntree House Img_3831

Kingstree SC: Amtrak Station

Bill & Grace Decken

Small Town Public Transportation Amtrak Train Backalley at Amtrak - Kingstree Station (KTR)

Pappy's Trees

Eastern Bluebird

Jocassee frolicking through the fields

Cassee on the hunt for something

Kingstree - South Carolina

Kingstree - South Carolina

Ant Trees

2013-10-01 22.45.20

You can put blue eye shadow on a pig, but it's still made of concrete. #scbbq

Anthropomorphic pig of the royal variety here at Brown's. Kingstree SC. #scbbq #itsasign