Francis Marion National Forest South Carolina

Roll on, mighty Santee

Francis Marion National Forest South Carolina

A field of grits plants.

Barbecue is a noun, not a verb.

"Honey, could you stop on the way home and pick up a couple of hog heads? I've asked the Clingmans over for drinks Saturday."

ambiguous snack items

Federal Correctional Institution Williamsburg - FCI Williamsburg

Salters, SC

Salters, SC

Salters, SC

Salters, SC

tar-paper barn with mockingbird

Lane, SC 29564

Greeleyville, SC 29056

The Eclipse 2017

The Eclipse 2017

My Mom's House

The new road

The Eclipse 2017

American Eagle Heineken Beer & Chips

Leaving St. John's Day service visitation. Enjoyed being with my brother of the craft and sisters of the star. #PHA #MWPHGLSC #District2 #Mason #OES #357