Waving Proudly at the 1st Baptist Church

Newton County Courthouse

Bypassed Through Truss Bridge over Yellow Bayou, St. John Rd, Burkeville, Texas 1304131201

Entering Newton County (Newton County, Texas)

Entering Jasper County (Jasper County, Texas)

Gazebo, Newton County Coourthouse, Newton, Texas 1709161329

Newton County Coourthouse, Newton, Texas 1709161305

Newton County Coourthouse, Newton, Texas 1709161321

Seth is slavin’ away in the greenhouse in Burkeville, TX, 1981/82

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Newton Middle School, Newton, TX

Texas Loop 505

Autrey-Williams House

Newton Texas Courthouse

U.S. Highway 190 and Newton County Line Signs (Newton County, Texas)