Newton County Courthouse

Newton County Courthouse

Entering Jasper County (Jasper County, Texas)

Entering Newton County (Newton County, Texas)

Bypassed Through Truss Bridge over Yellow Bayou, St. John Rd, Burkeville, Texas 1304131201

U.S. Highway 190 and Newton County Line Signs (Newton County, Texas)

Storefront Block (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse Tower (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse Marker (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse and Jail (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse and Jail (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Pre-War Maneuvers (Newton, Texas)

Old W.H. Ford Male and Female College (Newton, Texas)

W.H. Ford Male and Female College Marker (Newton, Texas)

Old Newton County Courthouse Bell (Newton, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse Gazebo (Newton, Texas)

Old Newton County Courthouse Bell (Newton, Texas)

Jasper County Line Sign (Jasper County, Texas)

Newton County Courthouse, Newton, Texas

Newton - Newton