A Face Only UP Could Love

BNSF 7750 under the lights

Better Blue Than Yellow Bonnet

Storm over the Inland Empire

palm trees. north redlands, ca. 2011.

Islands in the Mist

prcssd. combat camera. san bernardino, ca. 2011.

Queen's Fine Food

Three set to leave

Local Departing at Sunset

Nothing but Geeps

Not So Beautiful Boosters

UP X-1405W @ Colton

Aerial shots Colorado/L.A. 1999

Thanksgiving Sunset HDR

SD Trucks In The Shops Over The Pit

Overlooking the Inland Empire

Green Topographic


sunny rear view

Seven Oaks Dam

San Timoteo Nature Trail

2004 Westbound MoW train in Verdemont, from my collection.

Garnet St. Bridge - Mentone, CA, USA

iPhone pano: Box Springs Hike

写真 2017-12-09 14 48 17

#bigbear #bigbearlake #sanbernardino #sanbernardinonationalforest

Santa Monica Pier

Patriots Jet Team

Lights on for Safety - Redlands, CA, USA

On the Rim of the World

UP 7492

Snaking Up Beaumont

#sanbernardinomountains #mountains #runningsprings #hwy18

Morey Mansion of Redlands

Rim of the World Highway

Storm over GATX in Colton

Sunset at Rim of the World