Sacred Space

Landscape: view from Washita Battlefield National Historic Site visitors center

The Battle of the Washita

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (Roger Mills County, Oklahoma)

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (Roger Mills County, Oklahoma)

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (Roger Mills County, Oklahoma)

Site of Black Kettle's village - Washita Battlefield Trailpost 1

Washita Battlefield Overlook

Frozen Pond

Washita Valley

village site

village site

Prominent fuits in winter, Sapindus sapinaria var. drummondii (western soapberry) tree


0U1A5701 Washita Battlefield NHS

2015_Southwest Vacation_Washita Battlefield NHS_9

0U1A5719 Washita Battlefield NHS

Long Road Home - Reydon, OK