2 July 1901 - "Jenolan, general view" , New South Wales, Australia (restored version)

Carlotta Arch, Jenolan Caves

Art Deco in Oberon

Chrysomelid beetle, nobilitata group (formerly genus; chrysophtharta)

Nice view - big perch

Burials with a view

Cabin with a view

Jenolan Cave Road

Jenolan Caves Entrance

Edwardian Twilight

Swimming Platypus

Temple of Baal Cave

Caves House Lounge

A Place to Relax

Mozart's Forest Concerto

The view from Shooters Hill NSW

The view from Shooters Hill NSW

The view from Shooters Hill NSW

The view from our house

2 July 1901 - "GRAND ARCH, JENOLAN", New South Wales, Australia (restored version)

127 Lucas Cave, Jenolan Caves NSW

Oberon Tennis Courts

Takes your breath away

Oberon - NSW (Brochure)


Oberon Stockyards

111 Lucas Cave, Jenolan NSW

091 Jenolan Caves, Jenolan NSW




Duckmaloi River

River deep mountain high

A Day on the Farm

Temple of Baal, Jenolan

Oberon Dam or Fish River Dam, Oberon, NSW

Spectators, Six Foot Track

Jenolan Road

Waves of Crystal 2890