CSX 8096 at Racepond
Doctors Lake Marina
Sunset, Bluff Lake, Okefenokee Swamp
Kingfisher landing (looking NE)
Homeland Pentecostal Church (older building)
Tier 4 Hype
Bowerly Ln 637560U CSX Railroad Crossing EB, Homeland
Flash Foods, Homeland
Homeland Church of God of Prophecy
Homeland City Hall
Homeland City limit, Bowery Ln WB
Homeland city limit, US1SB
Homeland City Park
Homeland Pentecostal Church (newer building)
Homeland Police Department
Homeland United Methodist Church
Fire Station, Carter Community, Charlton County
Race Pond Church of God, Carter Community, Charlton County
Kingfisher landing boat dock
Kingfisher landing (looking SW)
Kingfisher landing shelter
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Kingfisher Landing