Emerging rose of sharon

Nothing lasts for ever but the earth and sky.

Western Bluebird juvenile male

King of the Hill. Great view while on a bike ride this morning.

1949 Cadillac Series 62 Sedan

Nikon F2 with Photomic T Viewfinder

Papa Bird and 3 Sons --- Western Bluebird, Sialia mexicana --- EXPLORED

Idyllic Orange County

Great view #mg_lifestyle_series

My Pad Or Yours

Corsair Getting some Rays

Another view of AWOL Amtrak F's

Part of the San Gabriel mountain chain surrounding Los Angeles and Orange Counties, including Mt. Baldy - a.k.a. Mt. San Antonio - 10,068 ft (left)

Sunset View

UP Big Boy 4014

Street View

Anna's Hummingbird (fem) 028 --- EXPLORED!

San Gabriel Mountains around the LA & Orange County area - March 1, 2015

Cal Poly Pumpkin Patch Panorama

Black Phoebe

Yellow mums with aphids

Telegraph Canyon 116

Sunset in the Redwood Forest

Carbon Canyon 42


Sunset in the Empty Forest

California on my mind


Nevada Falls

Golden State

Irvine Regional Park from Mountain Goat Overlook

Razor Soft

The Fog in the Park

San Juan Hill

Los Angeles & Orange County Mountains 3/3/2015 -

Late Afternoon in the Foothills

Pumpkin festival #pumpkin#festival#cpp#us#usig#Pomona #calpoly#csu#hk#hkig

Chino Hills, CA

Pumpkin festival #pumpkin#festival#cpp#us#usig#Pomona #calpoly#csu#hk#hkig


Walnut Canyon Reservoir

Abandoned Bike! #mg_nature_series