Waiting for Wind: Dunnigan Hills, California

Windmill Water Trough: Zamora, California

Spring Storm Gloom: Dunnigan Hills, California

IMG_1193_View from the second floor

Lunch at the winery

IMG_1195_View from the second floor

Dormant vinyard at R.H. Phillips winery in the Dunnigan Hills

Dig My Ride? : Yolo County, California

Forever Wine Grapes: Dunnigan Hills, California

" Infinity and Beyond "

Abandoned Barn

Driver side view. #portlandbound #mytinyatlas #land #pnw

Sweet peas. Farm Fresh to You. Bottom Dwellers at 12:30.

Crop in the Field

IMG_1343_Field with background hills

Yolo County Oak in B&W 2012-12-11

Dunnigan Hills drive, County Route E10, Yolo County, May 6, 2011 (2)

Middle Of Nowhere, CA.


Capay Valley Schoolhouse


Sunset on hwy 505

Spring has Sprung

The farm


IMG_1251_Asparagus fully ferned and bolting

5o5 rolling

Moon Halo