Enjoying the view

Enjoying the view

Enjoying the view

Coming Home

Somewhere above the Bible Belt

Late Afternoon Light

Into the Wild

Moonglow #79: 34 Whiskers, 5 Toes and Blondie - Holyrood, Kansas

Welcome to Holyrood

Hollyrod Grain Elevator

Roesler Opera House

RJM Oil Company & Opera House

Claflin, Kansas

Claflin, Kansas

Claflin, Kansas

Bruce and Margo Johnson

2003-07-06 at 01-38-13 - IMG_0062

2003-07-06 at 05-30-14 - IMG_0066

2003-07-06 at 08-32-35 - IMG_0067

2003-07-31 at 03-02-48 - IMG_0239

Wilson Lake


Big Brutus!

Grandpa demos for Sophia
