Johnstown Pennsylvania, Cambria Iron Company

American Crow - Johnstown, Pennsylvania

View form the top, The Johnstown Inclined Plane

Johnstown Flood National Memorial

A View of the Mountains...

Jail cell side view

Funeral Flowers for William P. Rees, Albumen Cabinet Card, March 1891

My own Mail Pouch barn!

Johnstown, PA-- First United Methodist Church, 1910

Johnstown PA Inclined Plane tracks and a city view

Shaffer Bridge -- Somerset County, Pennsylvania

The Unger House

View of The South Fork Dam

Johnstown, PA -view from top of the inclined plane

What remains of the South Fork Dam

Summerhill from the Hill

Johnstown Inclined Plane PA

Big and Tall

View from halfway down

1930 Ford Model A Hot Rod

Johnstown Tiltfshift

Conemaugh Generating Station

Sang Hollow Extension

One Shot #35 | Field

Hinckston Run Reservoir

Laurel Ridge State Park

Conemaugh River Quest

The Conemaugh Generating Station deep mine water run off ponding

Such a beautiful town...been destroyed 3x by floods. We visited the Flood Museum and the site where the damn was today. Pretty tragic but very insightful. #JohnstownPA #JohnstownFlood

We're here!

Beautiful day in Johnstown

Looking out at johnstown pa

The snow, as it dies, gives birth to the fog

Ben's Creek

Buttermilk Falls -- Indiana County, Pennsylvania

inside a walkway

Looking up at the incline plane

Paint Falls

End of summer/Labor Day Laurel Highlands nature tour.

Paint Falls

Tub Mill Creek