Stone Arch Bridge, Warehouse and Industrial area in Johnstown Pennsylvania


Eastbound at Summerhill

Shoving Hard On An Eastbound at South Fork

View form the top, The Johnstown Inclined Plane

Johnstown Flood National Memorial

Johnstown Pennsylvania, Cambria Iron Company

Johnstown Flood, 1889 - View of the City After the Flood - Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Johnstown Inclined Plane

NS in Summerhill: 7

Conemaugh & Black Lick #116 Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Two views at once

A View of the Mountains...

View of The South Fork Dam

Johnstown, PA-- First United Methodist Church, 1910

The Unger House

Johnstown, PA -view from top of the inclined plane

Hubbard's Wire Sewed Folding Delivery Boxes - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Johnstown PA Inclined Plane tracks and a city view

View of Johnstown (PA) from the Inclined Plane August 2017

What remains of the South Fork Dam

The Yellow Switcher



Green, and Blue

NS 25Z at South Fork, Pennsylvania on August 29, 2018

NS 776 with MGA

Conemaugh Generating Station

Johnstown Flood, 1889 - Main, Clinton & Bedford Streets - Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Johnstown, PA

Horse Shoe Curve Trip-033

Central Park, Johnstown, PA

Eliza Furnace

Summerhill At Spring

One Shot #35 | Field

Fall in Johnstown

Conemaugh River Quest

South Fork Dam

Cambria Iron Works

The snow, as it dies, gives birth to the fog

Looking out at johnstown pa

Remains of the South Fork Dam