Amazing view from the Mouth of Precipice on the edge of Nazareth. Megiddo can be seen in the far distance across the Jezreel valley.

Basílica da Anunciação - Nazaré - Israel

Nazareth - Old City View from Nazareth Illit

Vista from the roof of Muhraka monastery on mount Carmel

Stone monument at a park rest stop, with a view of Haifa's beaches on the coast


Muhraka - Mt. Carmel

Can anything good come from Nazareth? I'd say a great view comes from Nazareth!

A view from Mount Carmel. (See 1 Kings 18.)

1975F3.S04-20a Gvat excavation 1975, Shmaryahu Gutman

Nazareth. Approaching town from S.E. showing main road into town, convents, etc.

Hair-pin bends. Ascent to Nazareth, from Plain of Esdraelon

Nazareth. Approaching town from N.E. Virgin's fount in center of picture

Daliyat al-Karmel, View I

Cana of Galilee

Deir Al-Mukhraqa Carmelite Monastary

Daliyat al-Karmel, View II

Nazareth. Approaching town from E. showing Franciscan monastery & Church of Annunciation


Deir Al-Mukhraqa Carmelite Monastary

Deir Al-Mukhraqa Carmelite Monastary

Mount Tabor

Nightfall in Nazareth

The ring of fire

Blue-tailed Damselfly - Ischnura elegans ebneri (immature female) eating Chironomus

Minor settlement and horizon

Reaching the top

פריחה ביערות הכרמל לאחר השריפה

It cannot wait

2011 Life-1

Jezreel Valley as seen from mount Carmel

Tel shimron at sunset (Israel, emeq yisrae'l region)


Mount Carmel


Nazareth Snow 10/01/2015


Holy Land Trip 2/5 - 097

Park Nesher - פארק נשר

Yokneam יוקנעם

Mount Carmel