It has sunk

कणेरी मठ, पेठचा गणपती, जोतिबा, नरसोबाची वाडी, महालक्ष्मी कोल्हापूर.

कणेरी मठ, पेठचा गणपती, जोतिबा, नरसोबाची वाडी, महालक्ष्मी कोल्हापूर.

Lecture on National Science Day at Bidri, kagal, Kolhapur for Sr. & Jr college student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Lecture on National Science Day at Bidri, kagal, Kolhapur for Sr. & Jr college student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Lecture on National Science Day at Bidri, kagal, Kolhapur for Sr. & Jr college student & teachers. All Lectures since 26-02-2016 are organised by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Gadhinglaj

Little Bee Eater/ येडा राघू

Btwin Rockrider 5.0

Poop Shoot!

Hovering Pied Kingfisher

India: Neha and Her Mom

India Temple Stall

India Temple Stall

Digging in

the village river

Butterfly effect

Suruwant :P




Diya bokeh