Sunset with cows, Rankala Lake

Wheel Eye O_o

It has sunk

“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.” ― Alan Watts


Rankala Lake #incredibleindia #teampixel

075902: Behind the Wire

Shalini Palace

Rankala Lake

DSCN1013 Caterpillar

Rankala Lake

Kambarganvi Railway Station - India - 1983

#ganpati #ganpatibappa #hindugod #ganeshchaturti #bappamajha #ganesh #hinduism #godisgreat #blessings #ganpatibappamorya #ganesha #kolhapurganpati #ganeshchaturthi2016 #silver #sinhasan #navsachaganpati #gauriputra #vinayaka #lambodar #kolhapurdiaries #sa

Little Bee Eater/ येडा राघू

Short gloves with "Royal" look

What they called it as "EXPLORER"

Rain drops + Royal Enfield - Best combination

And the Royal one

Btwin Rockrider 5.0

I am a girl , you dumb dslr owner

“Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.” ― Zhuangzi

Sunset Love

Poop Shoot!