Summer Sun

Fallen Fir

View Over Bear Lake

Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Bee . . . ?

View from the White Pine Lake trail before it drops over the saddle and down to the lake

View from the top

Really nice view of the cloudy/foggy mountains 1

Bear Lake

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

BackYard DriveIn

i085E - Bear Lake UT

Good Morning White Pines

View from the chair lift - snowy trees

Mount Magog

Bear lake view from the visitor center,Ut

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho Border

Rest Stop In Utah

Erik's Naomi 100(k) Adventure

Mt Gog rises above the northern edge of White Pine Lake

Bear Lake

Autumn in Logan Canyon

Bear Lake Overlook, Garden City, Utah, USA

Invasive Species. Bear River Mountains, Utah

White Pine Lake Trail. Bear River Mountains, Utah

Erik's Naomi 100(k) Adventure

White Pine Lake Trail. Bear River Mountains, Utah

Cool clouds

Fire in the Aspen

East Canyon Bear Lake

Tony Grove pano 2

Erik's Naomi 100(k) Adventure

The best part of the weekend - the sunrise this morning. So beautiful! #sunrise #utah #idaho #bearlake

send in the clouds

101-118_SR-89; MP407-410

Tony Grove Lake. Bear River Mountains, Utah