#66: Bench Monday: Bowie Edition

Three Rivers Baptist Church


Church of the Holy Apostles Episcopal in Barnwell-016

2016 0621 Martin SC VFD a

2016 0621 Martin SC VFD c

DAR medallion

James Hagood Aldrich

Johnson Hagood

Florrie H. Hagood

Harriet B Hagood

Mrs. Eloise B. Hagood

Johnson Swan

church (6)

Mary Chivellette Simms

Albert Drane Oliphant

William Gilmore Simms

Chivellette Simms

Rosa M. Dunn

Chas. F. Pechmann

Gussie B. Pechmann

Georgia A. Nurnberger

C. F. Nurnberger

Peyton Best