The Stars At Night Are Big and Bright

Provo River Falls

Notch Lake in the High Uintas

close to the edge

The High Uintas

Spinning Skies

Reflecting Pool

Remainder evermore

There's a Storm Brewing

Mirror Lake

hayden peak

upper provo river falls

upper provo river falls

Mirror Lake Scenic Byway view


Mirror Lake

Hayden Peak


Bald Mountain

Uintah Templat


Naturalist Basin

Keep Moving Forward

Provo River Falls

dawn - Murdock Basin - Uinta Mountains - 7-24-09 02a

Provo River Falls

Provo River Falls

Cataract Gorge

Uinta Meadow Sunset

Mirror Lake in the Uinta Mountains in Northern Utah. This lake close to 10,000 feet elevation.

Pass Lake

dawn - Murdock Basin - Uinta Mountains - 7-24-09 04 - Explore!

Elegant Rivers

Below the Notch

dawn - Murdock Basin - Uinta Mountains - 7-24-09 03

Drops' & River's Banks

Mirror Lake

Pass Lake in the Fall

dawn - Murdock Mountain reflected in Marshall Lake - 7-24-09 01


Hayden Lake